Running History Research Paper

Words: 1116
Pages: 5

The history of running is a really complicated really so much rules . It would seem as ifrecreational running and jogging just popped up out of nowhere in the last 20 or 30 years andtook the world by storm Although there are huge gaps, running appears all throughout history -usually as a means to an end.At the beginning, the games were only a day long and one of thefirst recorded events was a run from one end of the performing area to the other.The Gamesdeveloped into a four day event and sports such as the Javelin and Discus were added, thesegames brought about the modern day Olympics which began in 1896.Localcompetitive running, especially in areas away from the cities of Europe, are also likely to havebeen started as a result of religious special celebrations with fun events) .These special celebrations with fun events) such as …show more content…
The Level of detail Rule The most effective training imitates the event for which you're training.This is the most important rule of training for any activity. If you want to run a 10-K at seven-minute-per-mile pace, you need to do somerunning at that pace. "Runners are best served by running at goal pace and in the expected(surrounding conditions) of that race," says Ann Snyder, Ph.D., director of the humanperformance lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.The Exception: It's (not having common sense/way too full of problems) to completely imitate/copy a race--especially longerdistances--in training because it would require extended recovery. So, when doing race-specific training, keep the total distance covered shorter than the goal race, or run at your race pace in shorter parts with rest breaks (period of time