Social Class Analysis

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Pages: 3

Social class and Social rankings essentially run the world and the manner in which we interact with each other and the standards to which we hold certain people.In America the Top 1 percent controls most of the wealth and the Top 1 percent also makes sure that it stays that way as well.The system of social classes and the heirarchal social system that is set up in the US is designed to keep the rich wealthy and to keep the poor either where they are or eliminated in general. Three things that are a major part of which social class you fall into are education,occupation,as well as politics which plays huge if not the biggest role in the structuring and maintenance of social classes.Your families fanancial standing ultimately determines the primary and secondary education that you recieve.Wealthier districts and counties have better public school systems,and wealthier families have the financial ability to send their children to private institutions and schools that offer advanced education.This primary and secondary education then determines ones ability to get into a good University.College education and having a degree most of the time determines how good of a job you will get when you …show more content…
obviously not, the point is that there is a slim chance to be successful no matter how acquisitive one is toward reaching