Socratic Seminar Questions

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Arnaldo Sandoval-Guerrero Mrs. Daniels English III-Dual Credit 08 November 2017 Socratic Seminar Questions - Their Eyes Were Watching God, Chapters 1-5 Chapter 1: Why do the men and women on the porch objectify Janie’s physical features rather than seeing her as a person? What would occur if women remembered everything they wanted to forget and forgot everything they wanted to remember? What if men actually chased after their dreams as opposed to simply relying on luck? Would those who were gossiping about Janie believe the story she is telling Pheoby? What could be the “kissing, young darkness” that becomes a “monstropolous old thing” referenced in the last line of this chapter? Chapter 2: How is Janie’s personality shaped by the environment she was raised in the Washburn …show more content…
What would have transpired if Nanny never told Janie to marry Logan Killicks? If Janie’s mother would have never ran away, how and why would Janie be different? Chapter 3: How do Nanny’s notions of relationships differ from Janie’s? If Janie and Logan switched roles and Logan did not reciprocate Janie’s feelings, would Janie have made an effort to chase after him? Why or why not? What could have possible occurred if Janie genuinely ended up falling in love with Logan? What does the death of Nanny entail for Janie’s future? How does the failure of Janie’s marriage with Logan Killicks cause her to become a woman? Chapter 4: Why does Janie find Logan speaking in rhymes so imperative to their marriage? Had Logan revealed his true colors at the beginning of his marriage with Janie, what would have changed in the course of their relationship? Had she never met Joe Starks, what could have possibly happened to Janie? Why does Janie find it so easy to leave Logan? What are some factors that aid in Janie’s decision to run away with Joe Starks? Chapter 5: What do Joe’s initial thoughts about arriving in Eatonville reveal about his