Spanish American War Case Study

Words: 1752
Pages: 8

How did the Cleveland administration handle the annexation issue? What role did Queen Liliuokalani play?
The Cleveland administration rejected the issue and gave back the throne to the Queen Liliuokalani, the leader of Hawaii.
What were the positions of the Democrats and Republicans in the Congressional debate over the annexation of Hawaii?
Republicans supported the annexation & democrats opposed it.
Why was the United States interested in obtaining control over such places as the Samoan Islands?
The Samoan Islands had valuable trading ports.
How did the United States respond to the Venezuelan crisis of 1895?
During the Venezuelan Boundary Crisis of 1895, the U.S. supported Venezuela and accused Britain of violating the Monroe Doctrine.
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Identify the American arguments for and against ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898.
Anti-imperialists thought expansionism was unconstitutional. They argued that neither Congress nor the President had the right to pass laws governing colonial peoples who were not represented by lawmakers. On the other hand, expansionists maintained that the Constitution applied only to the citizens of the United States. Congress, expansionists continued, should not be able to prevent the President from exercising the same powers enjoyed by the heads of European states
26. What was the role of the US in Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War? What was the Foraker Act?
The Foraker act gave Puerto Ricans limited say in their affairs. Puerto Ricans were made US citizens in 1917 (a commonwealth). The US gained Puerto Rico as a territory from the war.
27. Why was the Supreme Court decision in the Insular Cases important? How did it impact American territorial acquisitions in the future?
The insular cases held that constitutional rights we're not automatically extended to territories, and that congress had the power to decide these rights. It was also established that the import duties laid down by the Foraker Act were
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List the provisions of the Platt Amendment. How did it define the role of the US in Cuba following the Spanish-American War.
It pressured Cuba into incorporating the US into its constitution. It gave the US the right to control foreign policy, the right to intervene in Cuban affairs, and gave American rulers more power than Cuban rulers.
39. Why did the US want a canal through the Isthmus of Panama? How did the US go about gaining control of the land necessary to build the Panama Canal?
The canal would reduce the travel time of commercial/military ships by making a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The US had to get permission from Colombia, which had ruled Panama at that point.
40. Why was President Taft's foreign policy called "Dollar Diplomacy?"
It was the usage of US government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American businessmen. It keep European countries out of Latin American affairs.
41. Why did the US government intervene in the Mexican Revolution of 1910?
The US had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government deemed oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to US interests
42. Why did President Wilson refuse to recognize General Victoriano Huerta's