Stereotypes In The Breakfast Club

Words: 496
Pages: 2

The Breakfast Club is a movie about a group of high school students who meet in Saturday detention. Their assignment is to write an essay on what kind of person they think they are. There is a wrestler, a popular girl, a punk, a smart kid, and an outcast/ weirdo. Each kid in the movie is very different from one another yet they find some way to get along. Over time they slowly start to change. They develop different habits that they didn’t have before.
In the beginning of the movie you see the parents drop off their kids to go to detention. This scene gives us a glimpse of how the parents treat their kids. The wrestlers dad is hard on his son and expects him to succeed. Same can be said for the smart kid. The popular girl’s parents aren’t as hard on her as
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The jocks, the nerds, the populars, the punk rockers/stoners, and the outcasts/weirdos. They identify themselves as a part of these groups as well, When Andy says that he is a wrestler he is identifying himself as a jock, and Claire says that she is popular so she also is putting herself into a stereotypical group.
Overtime these groups start to change. They become friends throughout the duration of the movie. They start to become one group instead of separate cliques. This happens when they learn about everyone’s personal life. They all have one thing in common they don’t like they’re homelife. This gives them a common interest which eventually leads to their own clique...the breakfast club.
Cliques are everywhere including Easton High School. You have all the stereotypical groups such as the jocks, metalheads, sneakerheads, nerds, geeks, etc. These cliques can be good and bad. Some cliques are into illegal activity which can get you in trouble. Cliques are a part of every teenagers life the cliques can be good if you are in the right one but if you are being pressured into doing something you don’t want to do then you are not in the right