Story Telling Essays

Submitted By inn1365
Words: 2899
Pages: 12


The story

We have chosen the destination Bohus Fortress outside Gothenburg. At the moment, this tourist destination is searching for new ways to make the experience more attractive for the tourists. We believe that a way to engage the visitors and make the visit more exciting is to tell the stories of various people who once lived in or close to the fortress. One of them could be as follows:
In the beginning of the 18’th century a poor man named Knut lived in his patched little cottage close to the Bohus fortress. He lived alone with his beautiful daughter Cecilia, since his wife had died when she gave birth to their first and only child. Knut worked for a rich man called Otto Von Schenken and was responsible for feeding the pigs every day. For this he received a very small amount of money that rarely was enough for food for himself and his daughter. Neverless he worked very hard and he always was honest to his master. A man called Geir was Otto Von Schenken’s closest man. Geir was very greedy and selfish and one of the things he most wanted was to marry Cecilia Knutsdotter because she was very beautiful. But he knew that Knut would never let him have her since Geir was not a good man. So in order to get rid or Knut, Geir made up an evil plan. One cold winter day when Knut worked on his own in the pig stables, Geir accused him of stealing one of Otto Von Scenken’s pigs. Otto said that this was of course not acceptable and told Geir that since he was the one to reveal the theft, he could decide the punishment. Geir told Otto that he thought an appropriate punishment would be to throw Knut into one of the dungeons at Bohus Fortress and let him stay there for the rest of his life. Otto thought that this might be a little bit too cruel as punishment for stealing a pig but he could do nothing since he had to hold his promise to Geir. So poor Knut was locked up in one of the dungeons and Cecilia had to marry the evil Geir since she had noone else to provide for her. Knut stayed in the dungeons for 15 years but then one day, Sverker who was the son of Otto Von Schenken, revealed the lie by Geir. Otto Von Scehken got to know about this and he was furious. He decided that Knut should be set free and Geir, who was the real criminal, should take the punishment in his place, the same punishment as he had decided himself. To make up for all the sufferings poor Knut had to endure in the prison, Otto Von Schenked offered him half of his own fortune. Knut could thereafter live a life as a wealthy and happy man and Cecilia married the righteous and good-hearted Sverker. All of them were very happy. All but Geir...
But this is not the end of the story because still today, Geirs ghost is haunting the fortress and if you listen carefully you can hear his curses echo between the walls. You can never be sure that what you hear being whispered in your ear is for real or if it’s only one of his many lies...

Reflection of storytelling in destination

In this story we used a classical dramaturgical model, presented by Simon Svensson and Jonas Nyberg in the lecture 2010-10-11. We built up the story in and 18th century environment to get some kind of nostalgia connected to it. Thereafter we presented the different characters. We wanted all characters in the story to have clear roles to make it easier for the audience to understand everybody’s part. The focus is on the good man, Knut, and the story scales up as Knut is unfairly accused of stealing. The story has a turning point, when Sverker tells the truth about Geir, who then is punished for his bad actions. In the rounding of part, all characters standing for the good live happily ever after and the bad Geir is being punished. However, the story doesn’t end here. The audience is told to be careful of what they hear during their time at Bohus fortress, because Geir’s ghost is still haunting there.
There are some basic elements that can be found in almost any kind of story,