Student Success Research Paper

Words: 723
Pages: 3

Awkward, emotional, fickle, dramatic, stressful, and change? That’s Jr. High for you in a nutshell. For the majority of people, Jr. High is horrible and almost everyone agrees that Jr. High is not the most extraordinary three years of their life. However, they all have survived it. As traumatic as people may think Jr. High is, that doesn’t mean that it has to be terrible for everyone. To survive Jr. High, you will need to have a strong academic strategy, a well thought out procedure for success, and a guide to the social aspects.

Jr. High is vastly different from elementary school in numerous ways, but one of the most evident differences is the academics. Organization, paying attention, hard work, participating, studying, and asking questions
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High, there are some other tools that will help you become successful. Memorizing the schedule is an extremely beneficial item to know. This will allow you to be prepared for your upcoming classes. Another major topic to know is time management. This is crucial because time management is one of the top five ideas to have mastered. Time management will allow you to get homework done in an optimal amount of time, and to also have enough time for after school activities. Procrastination is what many Jr. High pupils call their downfall. Grades will most likely be negatively affected if you put your assignments off until the day before it is …show more content…
Making friends is always important. As humans, we need to have contact with other people, which is why most people have a strong group of friends. When fifth graders transition into sixth grade, you will realize that starting middle school is scary. The friends that you have made in elementary school will help you adjust. In Jr. High, you are learning how to be a good friend, and that doesn’t mean that you have to be friends with one specific group. I have found that a way to be socially successful is to stay neutral. Don’t get involved in the petty drama that revolves around middle school. It really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Respect is critical in surviving Jr. High. You already know to respect your teachers and the administration, but in these next few years you are also learning how to respect your classmates. In Jr. High, you must stay true to yourself and not be influenced by the world. Dig in deeper into what God says, because he is your eternal friend. Don’t be afraid of what is coming because He will carry you through