Subliminal Messages Essay

Words: 466
Pages: 2

There has been many issues surrounding subliminal messages, which are signals or messages relayed to the subconscious through the conscious mind without being detected by the subject that is receiving them. These signals or images are designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. which can make the practice of subliminal messaging a very effective tool and in the wrong hands maybe even a powerful weapon. The case studies on this sort of messages vary from weight loss, quitting smoking and the how these messages have manipulated people into committing harmful acts against society. Many people believe that subliminal message mainly in music has been related to some of our mass shootings. From Columbine Massacre where rock and roll …show more content…
Many case studies have been done in laboratories under controlled conditions.The results of some of these tests has shown some retention of subliminal data is being retained by the subject. The data collected by some of these experiments implies that subjects could not be controlled on the level as to actually choose to act on the hidden message embedded in music or images presented. In a double-blind study done by Sebastian Steinhardt , Holger Plottke and Christian Stick . The research was somewhat inconclusive in that the variables in age seem to make a small differences on how much the subjects were affected by the target information. The younger group was able to choose the product more easily, than the older group. This information was being uploaded to them without any prior knowledge as to what the study was about. The tempo of music seemed to have an affect on how the subject responded. In certain cases groups responded quicker to upbeat music than slow. Also the time between exposure to the subliminal message seemed to also have an effect on the outcome of the test. To the degree that if the time was to long no effect was