Assisted Suicide And Voluntary Euthanasia

Submitted By KatyCheung0504
Words: 469
Pages: 2

Nov. 18th. 2011
I am going to summarize a latest article from CBC NEWS. This article discusses should Canadians have the legal right to assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia. The Royal Society of Canada's expert panel acknowledged that people should have the right to make the decision for their life, even choose to end up their life. In the article mentioned an example: Gloria Taylor, a 63 years old woman, developed a serious disease that cannot be cured nowadays, which makes her suffering a lot. Thus she wants to die rather than to live. However, the coalition's members argue that if assisted suicide is legalized that may lead to elder abuse. Also Canada's criminal code insisted that is illegal to help others commit suicide. In my opinion, assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia should be legalized. There are two reasons: ending suffering of patients and cutting spending of health care system. Giving the patients who are no hope to be cured, the right to die is better than letting them suffering. The European Declaration of Human Rights mentioned that the right not to be forced to suffer, which means it is a crime to force a person to live who does not want to. It would be humane to end the tremendous suffer of unhealed patients. Also, it could cut the spending on patients who are no hope to heal if assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia can be legalized, which would give more hope to those patients who are technically to be cured. It could be wise option given the fact that federal health care budget increases a lot every year. All in all, assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia should be concerned to be allowed in Canada.

Community Team. (2011, November 14). Should Canadians have the legal right to assisted suicide? CBC NEWS. Retrieved from

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