Terrorism: Terrorism And Terrorism

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Pages: 7

Terrorism has been a contested phenomenon for a very long time, the basic academic definition of terrorism by Bellany (2007) is that it is taken to be a method of employing organized force with little regard for humanitarian considerations to achieve normally politically cum religious cum warlike ends and which relies on its effectiveness on creating a pressing fear fullness in the minds of target persons for their lives or the lives of those close to them or their property. More so Stohl (1998:3) concurs with this view and defines terrorism as a purposeful act of violence with the purpose to induce fear in a victim and an audience of the threat. Violence and fear are therefore central in achieving ideological, religious or political
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Some jihadi groups want to impose strict Islamic law, which calls for floggings, stonings and executions of nonbelievers. To the south, another violent group, Boko Haram, has killed thousands in Nigeria and kidnapped hundreds of girls and aligned itself with ISIS. In Somalia, al Shabab, an affiliate of al Qaeda, has launched attacks in neighboring countries and is trying to prevent Somalia from re-establishing a functioning government. The United States has responded with limited military interventions and is partnering with allies and regional blocs to try to halt the violence. Meanwhile, thousands of Africans are fleeing to Europe to escape violence or poverty, creating a refugee crisis of epic proportions. The war on terrorism in Africa did not begin on September 11, 2001. It began in Sudan in the 1990s, where Osama bin Laden operated and where an attack against Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was organized. Three years later, in 1998, al-Qaeda cells blew up the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. In retaliation for these attacks, the United States, in addition to an attack in Afghanistan, bombed a chemical plant in Sudan, claiming that it was producing elements for chemical weapons for al-Qaeda. From the time of these attacks, moreover, U.S. policy in Somalia became preoccupied …show more content…
This decision was driven within the most important by way of the realisation that the fragmented nature of the united states military intelligence accumulating and nearby protection education efforts were failing to meet the growing chance posed by way of increasing Islamic networks in East and Southern Africa, the robust presence of radical Islamic agencies in Somalia and the developing presence of Iranian-backed agencies tied to Hezbollah, at times cooperating with al Qaeda, in West Africa. An essay in Sada al- Jihad , an on-line magazine which helps the worldwide jihad, specifically outlines al Qaeda’s hobby in increasing into sub-Saharan Africa as the general weak point of principal government and excessive ranges of corruption make it simpler to function in Africa than in nations that have powerful security, intelligence and army capacities. further complicating the strategic state of affairs in Africa are the substantial cultural and ethnic variations throughout geographic limitations making the gathering and interpretation of intelligence difficult. as an instance, the Sunni-Salafist agencies are looking for to build a community of jihadist corporations to establish an Islamic caliphate. Saudi Arabia has been making an investment