The Analysis Of The Cyclops In The Odyssey

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Pages: 2

The 8 Greek evil thoughts or ideas that the Greeks thought consumed people if they exemplified them. These thoughts were considered some of the worst things to resemble as a greek. In the episode “The Cyclops” in the epic The Odyssey describes the situation Odysseus is in when him and his men land on an island with Poseidon’s son Polyphemus the Cyclops is living. When Polyphemus starts to eat Odysseus’ men he must devise a plan to escape the Cyclops’ din. During the story Odysseus represents the evil thoughts of Hyperephania and Kenodoxia. Hyperepahnia (self-pride) relates to the feeling or need for pride when no one else will give it. In the story Odysseus says, “Zeus will avenge the unoffending guest” (The Cyclops. 260-261). While visiting