The Benefits Of Middle School

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Pages: 3

I always had a tough time speaking to my teachers about extra help. I always wanted them to think high of me, that I don’t need extra help, that i’m smarter than they ever thought. As I grew I realized that I always finished after most students were done. I realized that I could not concentrate when even the smallest whisper was let out, that I’m easily distracted and find myself constantly spinning my pen or shaking my leg. I told this to my parents a couple times and they always told me the same thing, “this happens to everyone” , “ever since you went to this school...”, “you need to finish school just don’t think about it” or blaming it on a new friend or girlfriend I had. I had no support from neither of my parents no matter how hard I tried or tried to make it more understanding for them. …show more content…
I usually stayed to myself most of the time because what’s the point of trying to understand what type of person they are if I don’t even understand what type of person I am? Middle school was one of worst years of my life but it also understand bit by bit more the type of person I am. I made friends with three guys eventually turned to two and they were the smartest kids in my class. I quickly took advantage of their label and was quickly also labeled one of the smartest kids in class. Both of my friends were pretty athletic, one was into football the other basketball. I wasn’t into playing sports competitively because no sport really caught my eye at the time to make me into it and play it competitively. My friends and I seperated after high school and I was