The Holocaust: How The Holocaust Changed The World

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The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million Jews. it changed the world, and the war was call World war1. The war left a lot of effect during the war, the people can't find anything to eat, and a lot of people had no money to buying food for their families. That caused them to die also child libor. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.The main reason that caused the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. After the assassination of Archduke the world war I started and devastated Europe and created new …show more content…
The nazi rais power and brought an end to the Weimar Republic, the German parliamentary democracy established after World War1. During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, German Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives. march 22, 1933, Outside the town of Dachau, Germany, the SS establishes its first concentration camp to incarcerate political …show more content…
Over the next year, Nazi Germany and its allies conquered much of Europe. In June 1941, Germany turned on its ally, the Soviet Union. Often drawing on local civilian and police support, Einsatzgruppen followed the German army and carried out mass shootings as it advanced into Soviet lands. on December 7, 1941 Japan launches a surprise attack on the United States Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, severely damaging the fleet. The attack prevents, at least for the short term, serious American interference with Japanese military operations.

In a period marked by intense fighting on both the eastern and western fronts of World War II, Nazi Germany also intensified its pursuit of the “Final Solution.”After 1945
By May 1945, the Germans and their collaborators had murdered six million European Jews as part of a systematic plan of genocide—the Holocaust. When Allied troops entered the concentration camps, they discovered piles of corpses, bones, and human ashes—testimony to Nazi mass