The Influence Of Dog Fighting

Words: 517
Pages: 3

- Basically the situation that I faced was to prevent my dogs from fighting. I have two whippets and love them. However, they tend to get pretty aggressive and fight sometimes. I felt like I needed to conduct research to prevent them from fighting and possibly hurting each other. I needed to find out how to get them to not aggressively bite at the neck and to stop stealing each other’s toy.

–Since I live at home, the people that were impacted were my parents, myself, and my dogs. I’ve been taking online courses for two years now, and have also been the primary caretaker of Zoey & Sophie (my dogs). In order to get them to be more compatible, I took it upon myself to conduct the research alone since I felt primarily responsible and my parents both work. Especially when they were puppies, they tended to fight obsessively when it came to who got attention first, who got what toy, and who went outside first. It really concerned me as I thought them showing teeth toward each other and biting at the neck could cause injury. As for the conclusions of the research, it impacted all parties involved.
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This was a couple of years back, but I researched on the internet using multiple websites to see what articles / discussion posts were saying. Discussing things with my local veterinarian that I went to helped probably the most. Gathering information by talking to people and reading articles on the internet both contributed to what I ended up