The Lord Of The Flies Beast Analysis

Words: 866
Pages: 4

The Lord of the Flies is set in the near future after the wake of World War 2. The novel begins right after a plane evacuates a group of English schoolboys has been shot down over an unnamed deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. When the boy first land they are happy about their new freedom away from grown-ups and rules. After getting off the plane they set rules and jobs for people. Ralph is elected leader, Piggy is his trusted advisor, and Jack and the choirboys are the hunters and guards of a signal fire. A conch is used a way to hold gatherings and the person who holds the conch is the speaker. But not long after these signs and symbols of civilization start to fade away. Hunting starts to become more important than rescue, the “beast” becomes an obsession. They start to have meetings about it, they have nightmares about the it, they hunt it. What is the meaning of the “beast”? …show more content…
In the text, it states “The younger first, then gradually the older ones...begin to people the darkness of the night and forest with spirits and demons which has previously appeared only in their dreams or fairy tales.” Also that because there are no mothers on the island with them that they “They externalize these fears into the figure of a “beast.’” This illustrates that because there are no mothers on the island with them to comfort them and chase away their fears that they start to picture their fears and demons as a figure of a