The Most Dangerous Game Analysis

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Pages: 2

The Most Dangerous Game
The most dangerous game (RKO radio, 1932),directed by Ernest B.Schoedsack and Irving Pichel, from the short story by Richard Connell, is full of suspense with some twist and turns in the theme. The movie is ranked one of the best stories transferred on screen. I really enjoyed the hunting part of the movie and by seeing the reviews on the internet people have really like the climax part of the movie. The title it self makes people assume that the movie is going to thriller in some way or other.

When Bob Rainsford(Joel McCrea)is a survivor from the ship explosion reaches at mysterious island, then he suddenly see a house and finds himself as a guest in the dangerous looking house. While Count Zaroff (Leslie Banks) forces Rainsford and two other survivors, bother and sister Eve (Fay Wray)and Martin Towbridge (Robert Armstrong), to participate in a dangerous game in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.
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"The Most Dangerous Game" is a short story, with the survival from the wrecked ship. As the survivor against the cruel and sadistic General Zaroff, Rainsford is extremely impressive. In addition, he has learned to understand the beasts of prey as he himself has been made into one. So, perhaps he will sympathize with the animals that he hunts.And I even admire the way Zaroff shows his resourcefulness and his bravery in the face of mortal danger. Other thing is that it was full of suspense when Rainsford starts hunting Zaroff and Eve.

What I dislike about the movie is that the evil mind of General Zaroff, how his passion for hunting eventually prompted him to hunt men, with most cunning and challenging prey he started his most dangerous game. Zaroff the character has fallen for hunting that he even lost his humanity. There are many negative characters in the movie. The best negative character was played by Joel McCrea that is