The Outsiders: Comparing The Book And The Movie

Words: 347
Pages: 2

“Outsiders” Compare and Contrast Essay

The movie and the book of the “ Outsiders.”Johnny killed Bob in the movie and in the book. There was only one socs in the book, and in the movie there was more than one soc. That was trying to drown ponyboy in the park when Ponyboy and Johnny ran away.

The movie and the book both have the same things in both of them. They both show that Johnny and Ponyboy run away to the church. Ponyboy and Johnny run away from home, because of Darry slapped Ponyboy. The other similarity is Ponyboy and Johnny saving the little kids from the burning church. The boys were trying to save the little kids before the church collapsing on the little kids. The difference is the book is different from the movie.
