The Outsiders Differences Between Book And Movie

Words: 378
Pages: 2

This essay will contain information on The Outsiders. It will explain how the movie and book are alike and different. It will also contain my favorite between the movie and book. These are some similarities and differences between the movie and book.

Here are some things alike about the movie and book. One thing is they have the same characters. Ponyboy, Johnny, and the other Curtis brothers are in both the movie and book. As well as the main Socs and other Greasers. In addition to that, they both have Johnny dying in the hospital after saving the kids in the burning church. His last words were to Ponyboy, telling him to stay gold. It is important to keep these similarities because they are key parts to the book and movie.

Here are some things different about the movie and book. In the movie, Dally gets shot by a store clerk while trying to rob the store. However, in the book there is no store clerk that shoots him, there is only the police afterwards that shoot him. Another thing is Ponyboy went to court for the murder of Bob Sheldon in the book. Whereas, in the movie he didn't go to court at all. They just talked about going to court. The cause for these differences is because it would have either made the
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The similarities and differences say that in the movie they kept some things the same as the book. But then they changed a lot of other things that were in the book for the movie that they didn't like. The unique thing that comes from comparing and contrasting the movie and book is seeing just how different they are. I personally think that the book is better because it shows more detail and was a lot more intense. Especially after Johnny and Dally died. One thing I would Improve for the book is have a flashback to when Dally was in New York. These were some of the things alike and different in The