The Pros And Cons Of Having A Driverless Car

Words: 311
Pages: 2

The thought of having a car turning into a driverless car. The idea of having a driverless car is not a fabulous idea. Just the thought have a driverless car and second later have a serious injury.
Driverless car will bring about major safety and legal issues. In fact, driverless cars can bring death in many ways. Situations like in a car accident and you don't know whose fault. Also what if the car and it glitch and bring a serious injury. Another thing, since the driverless cars are going to be google car. Someone can hack your driverless car. (tribune news service) Next thing, is paying the price. Why would want to spend $10,000 on just on a driverless car. You can spend on paying your bills or buying necessary items. Otherwise, what