Theodore Roosevelt Research Paper

Words: 1612
Pages: 7

Raiyan Mohammad Rahman SP 211-BT4 February 7, 2024 Professor Lewis

Informative Speech Outline

Topic: Theodore Roosevelt

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the life of Theodore Roosevelt.

Central Idea: Theodore Roosevelt’s whole life, including his early life, presidency, and life after presidency, shows that he was fiercely dedicated to his country and to the overall spirit of life.

Credibility Statement: I think I am qualified to present the life of Theodore Roosevelt because I have done about 5 hours of research on Roosevelt at the QCC library and for a long time, I have admired his unwavering spirit of hard work.

Relevance Statement: This topic is relevant to my audience because Theodore Roosevelt spearheaded natural conservation
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president, among many others. I know what you might be thinking. No, these titles all belong to one man: Theodore Roosevelt.

Introduction: Historian, cowboy, hunter war hero, the name-sake of the teddy bear, U.S. president, among many others. I know what you might be thinking. No, these titles all belong to one man: Theodore Roosevelt.

My name is Raiyan Mohammad Rahman and today I will be speaking about this man whose whole life including his early life, presidency, and life after presidency shows that he was fiercely dedicated to his country and to the overall spirit of life.

Theodore Roosevelt is relevant today because he modernized the presidency, spearheaded natural conservation, and brought the protections to workers and consumers that Americans now take for granted.

I have done about 5 hours of research on Roosevelt at the QCC library and for a long time, I have admired his unwavering spirit for life, so I think I am qualified to talk about him.

Transition: Let’s start with Roosevelt’s early life.

Main Point 1: Early Life Sub Point 1: The Strenuous Life Roosevelt was born in 1858 to an aristocratic family in Manhattan, New York