Traits Of A Hero

Words: 635
Pages: 3

Heroes I believe anyone can be a hero, even if they don’t have an Iron Man suit, or even heat vision like Superman. I have also learned that people don’t need to save the world to become a hero, all they need to have is the traits of one.

Traits are the biggest part of heroes, people can’t have bad traits and be considered a good guy. The first trait I think a hero should have, would be that they never give up when the going gets bad. This trait reminds me of my mom, she has gone through a lot in her life, but she she still pushes on and strives to make everyone's life better. I also remember when she helped me with my algebra homework one day, and both of us got fed up with it because neither of us knew how to do it. Well, knowing my mom she went to the computer and learned how to do the problems and came back and helped me get a necessary “A” to pass my class with a 98 percent. But yes, I believe that you shouldn’t give up so easy, even Batman didn’t give in after Bane broke his back and crippled him.
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When I turned 18 a few weeks ago, my grandma had told me that I better be responsible because if I wasn’t then Karma was going to get the best of me. I took the advice, and it really kicked in when I visited my Aunt's house and noticed my cousin dropped out of college and now does nothing but sit around and play games all day. I mean yeah it would be nice to do that, but I want to be responsible and get a degree in computer engineering and become something great. If you look at Captain America, he really wasn’t much in the beginning but even then he was responsible and it got him places, even becoming the first superhero. Everytime I think of responsibility I think of my grandma, because she has had to be responsible for raising a family of 15 people. So if that doesn’t show responsibility, then I don't know what