Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Research Paper

Words: 692
Pages: 3

Throughout the history of America, we have had our hearts broken and taken losses by the tragic disasters throughout our country. The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was considered a disaster of epic proportions due to the sudden shock, Women's Suffrage, and change in women's rights.
On March 25, 1911 a factory burned down to ashes in only 18 minutes, along with the 145 people inside of it. Many of these people were young women as young as the age of 14 getting left with no choice but to jump off the 9th floor because everyone was trapped inside. They worked long hard hours, often ending very late with nothing but a eating break. These young ladies working in this factory were making “$6.00 dollars a week” (Aflico), in comparison to men who made $12.00 a week in the year of 1907. Many of these workers were undocumented resulting in poor treatment because the employer would know these immigrant workers wouldn't stand up for their rights. It was said that the destruction caused by the fire could have possibly been prevented if the company had taken the necessary precautions. One of the many flaws the Triangle Shirtwaist Company
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Before the fire many of these young women in working conditions that were unhealthy. They fought for what they believed in which made them a heroic figure in today's society. Before the fire these ladies were working hours that were over time, they would squeeze a week and a halfs work just into one week. Many of the older women had their own daughters working alongside them. These young girls working hours that were actually illegal. The endless hours these ladies went through with nothing to little pay, gained them a new life in the future. In today's generation the labor laws have changed, now men and women have the similar rights to work including their minimum wage