Vikings Achievements

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Pages: 3

Vikings- Written report
Important aspects of daily life as a viking. Vikings were warriors of their time, raiding and colonizing wide areas of Europe during the 9th until the 11th centuries. A lot of vikings were farmers rather than just being warriors. Refer to photo 2 below. They all lived in timber homes, in areas where there is a very low supply of wood they lived in houses made from straw and stone.Refer to the first photo below. Vikings were from scandinavia, places such as denmark, iceland, greenland and so on. The vikings cherished salt as it is used to keep their meat and fish cold throughout the winter when they struggled to provide fresh food for themselves and those around them. What vikings wore were easy to source plus very handy
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They discovered new countries but also took many over and colonised them. They had so much to be proud of considering they no navigational systems and had to guide themselves on boats that were created by hand. They not only discovered countries, but they colonised and completely took over some, by power and power in numbers. Vikings took over countries such as, parts of western and eastern Europe, Faroe islands, Ireland, Iceland and the borders of Scotland Greenland and Canada. The vikings are known as the most powerful warriors in history, the warriors were generally large and strong, whereas the farmers and villagers were not so much. They would raid from little towns to even cities or countries. They would have many great achievements for the villagers like, large trades to bring wealth into the town, or trading expensive goods. The vikings finding these countries were important to them as they had new places to settle, making ground and they can recruit to become a bigger tribe and much more powerful. The vikings would use their power in numbers to then have more achievements such as, taking over more countries or cities and becoming bigger to do more and have more people to bring in wealth to the towns of which they live in. They briefly colonised countries, (Vinland), temporarily, (Greenland), permanently, (Faroe Islands) and also settled in many parts of, Northern england, Scotland and parts of France, they also were the rulers of England for some time. The way they did things would make them proud within themselves as they did their personal best and accomplished great