Was Lord Capulet To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death?

Words: 423
Pages: 2

Lord Capulet is at fault for Romeo and Juliet’s death because he was not close to Juliet at all. Juliet grew up being raised by the nurse. Lord Capulet was not there for her, he was not a father figure and he did not do anything with her. If he would have been more of a father figure to Juliet she probably would have told him when she got married to Romeo. When Lord Capulet tried to force Juliet to marry Paris Juliet could have told him she did not want to marry Paris, and he would understand. The only person Juliet had that she could really talk to was the nurse. That would have been different if Lord Capulet raised her like he should have. In the book, Juliet always talks about how she would kill herself if something were to go wrong.