Was Louis Riel A Hero

Words: 434
Pages: 2

Louis Riel was considered a hero by the Metis,Cree and mostly all the First Nations groups. He was shown or displayed as a hero by siding with the Metis and giving away his time and his old life to fight along them.He showed his siding by defending them from there land from being taken by Canada.And the Canadian Government had a very big army and government with a big population.He gave is life away for the protection of the Metis and from the Metis from being called insane.His all happened in this trial.He protected the French catholic religion and for it to continue through decades and maybe even centuries.By always being loyal to the French and will always on whatever the French believed in,So the French always were aligned with Louis Riel and because he was studying to be a priest.He was very religious.Louis Riel was a very well respected man by the First Nations groups.