What Caused The 18th Amendment Of The 19th Century

Words: 301
Pages: 2

During the 19th century after World War I the 18th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was passed that banned the manufacture, transportation, and sale of liquor. This was called Prohibition, this amendment lasted from 1920 to 1933. During this Prohibition it caused an increase of bootlegging which was the illegal production and sale of liquor. The most famous man for bootlegging was a gangster known as Al Capone, who was estimated to earn $60 million for his operations. Also many other illegal activities went on such as speakeasies. Speakeasies were stores and nightclubs that would sell alcohol behind closed doors. Moving alcohol across state lines was also a huge problem that arose due to the 18th Amendment. Moonshiners or in other words bathtub