What is True Freedom of Religion Essay

Submitted By VivianCrooks
Words: 977
Pages: 4

What is True Freedom of Religion?
Religion influences people all over the world. Religion is a center piece of some people’s lives. Some people in the world have the freedom to follow who and what they want while others are force to a religion or standard they didn’t choose. Where ever around the globe, religion has touched ever part of the world in different ways. Although the constitution states freedom of religion for every U.S. citizen, government and society creates laws and regulations that are based on religious morals.
In many monotheistic religions, same sex marriage is not allowed. Some states are now just accepting laws that allow same sex to come together. Only 19 states have successfully allowed this to happen, while 31 are still waiting to be put on the ballot. For 16 years, all same-sex couples in the United States faced federal discrimination because of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Couples who were legally married in states where same-sex couples can share in the freedom to marry were not protected at the federal level, the legislation is not meaning too, but is influences what the church can and can’t do with their own practice .On June 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of DOMA, affirming that all loving couples who marry deserve equal legal respect and treatment. The ruling marks the first step in ending DOMA, which now must be fully overturned through the Respect for Marriage Act so that couples can stop being harmed by a law that has only hurt - and never helped - couples and families since its establishment. Another point is giving the women rights with their own personal bodies. Some people believe life begins with conception, but while this may be true, is it possible for any real true life to really be present in the first trimester? One aspect of the legal abortion system now in place has been determining when the fetus is "viable" outside the womb as a measure of when the life of the fetus is its own (and therefore subject to being protected by the state). In the majority opinion delivered by the court in Roe v. Wade, viability was defined as, "potentially able to live outside the woman's womb, albeit with artificial aid (HEALTH). The economic security of women and families is directly tied to a woman’s access to reproductive health care. As the United States Supreme Court has said, “The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives.” The ability to decide when and whether to become a parent due to access to reproductive health care has led to a dramatic increase both in women’s participation in the workforce and families’ dependence on women’s earnings. Yet, reading reproductive health care can be costly for women, if available at all, because of ever-increasing government-imposed barriers threaten their health and economic well-being. The Catholic Church is opposed to artificial contraception, this belief dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. Now it is very responsible to plan for a family but what about the cases of rape or teenage pregnancy? Abortion cases can become are very hard to deal with, which is why they are usually dealt with case by case. Some of the restrictions are very through and leave no wiggle room either. It is imperative to strike down these barriers and ensure every woman has access to safe and affordable reproductive health services – women’s economic security could depend on it.
Finally, is the constant religious discrimination that is ongoing in our public schools and work areas. According to eeoc.gov, Religious discrimination is valuing or treating a person or group differently because of what they do or do not believe.