What It Means To Be An Immigrant

Words: 529
Pages: 3

According to the dictionary definition, an American is a person born, raised, or living in the U.S. An American to me is someone who is treated equally, has rights, and is hardworking. An American is treated equally, not just overlooked. For example, someone who is an immigrant would be treated differently than someone who is a citizen. For example, in chunk 1, paragraph 1 of the story America and I. When the author explains, “As one of the dumb voiceless ones I speak. One of the millions of immigrants beating, beating out their hearts at your gates for a breath of understanding” (Anzia Yezierska). Immigrants have a lot to offer, though no one is seeing them. Americans only see immigrants as people coming to their country and begging for help. Immigrants should not be treated differently based on their skin color and background. Immigrants have the right to live a life without feeling like they're incapable of achieving a life for themselves. An American, therefore, is someone who is treated equally, no matter their identity. …show more content…
For immigrants, they have less rights than Americans. I never thought being an American citizen was as important as I know it now. Studying and listening to the author's stories through this unit has let me know I’m blessed. I have had a lot of things going on in my life and tough times just at 16. I see how immigrants face problems such as poverty, healthcare, and education. They come to the United States wanting a better future for themselves. Some immigrants come with their children, seeking better futures for them also. Trying to help their children have an education and make something of themselves. Clearly then, an American is a person that has equal rights no matter their situation in