What Was Gregor's Responsibility In The Metamorphosis

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Pages: 3

Gregor in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis took on too much financial responsibility at a young age and locked himself into a position that made his family completely dependent on what he would provide. When his father’s business failed, Gregor took up a job as a traveling salesman, which he did not enjoy. Despite this, certain members of the family have jobs and chores that need to be done. The father should provide food and money and housing, the mother should do jobs around the house and cook/clean for the kids, the sister should help the mother, the son the father, and so on and so forth. If he had chosen to motivate his family get back on their feet instead, he could have used his job and money to become educated and end up with a much more gratifying career. …show more content…
They are forced to sacrifice certain privileges such as the cook and the maid, and become accustomed to cooking and cleaning for themselves again. They also must work to deal with the debt left behind by his father’s failed business. Every family member puts in a fair share to deal with the finances, but it is still hard to get by. Had they worked like this while Gregor was also working the family would have been much better off, and Gregor’s savings might have accumulated a little faster. He would have been able to send his sister to the music school much quicker if she had also worked toward the goal. The loss of Gregor’s support whipped his family back into shape concerning taking control of their own