White House History

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White House

Have you ever wondered about the history of the white house? The white house is used as a workplace and the house of the president of the united states. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington D.C. The white house has been used to resident every president since 1800. There is many things inside and out and history behind it all here is some of it.

The White house was built in October 13, 1792. The first president to live in the white house was John adams in 1800. On August 24, 1814 there was a attack at Washington by the British in the war of 1812, after the defeat of the british they set fire to the white house. This fire killed one and wounded three.The White house was built with some help of enslaved
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This rooms are located on the 4 floors of the white house. In the white house the room include the Blue Room, Cabinet Room, China Room., Cross Hall White House Office of the Curator, Diplomatic Reception Room, East Room. East Sitting Hall. Entrance Hall, Family Dining Room, Grand Staircase, Green Room, James S. Brady Press Briefing Room, Library, Lincoln Bedroom, Lincoln Sitting Room, Map Room, Oval Office. Oval Office Study, President's Bedroom, President's Dining Room, Presidential Emergency Operations Center, Queens' Bedroom, Queen's' Sitting Room, Red Room , Roosevelt Room, Second Floor Center Hall, Situation Room, State Dining Room of the White House, Treaty Room, Vermeil Room, West Sitting Hall,White House basement, Yellow Oval Room. this time. There are two wings, the east wing and the west wing. The east wing housed the offices and staff of the First Lady, and the White House Social Office and to formally call it the "Office of the First Lady". The west wing is used for the President's office and offices of his senior staff, there is room for about 50 employees. It also has the Cabinet Room, where the president conducts business meetings and where the Cabinet meets. In the white house there are activities to do throughout the house one including bowling. The bowling alley is located in the basement. There is one lane, and Bowling lanes were first built in the ground floor of the West Wing as a birthday gift for …show more content…
The Executive Residence is the central building of the White House complex located between the East Wing and West Wing. This central building, first constructed from 1792 to 1800. There is a secret service to protect the president's family they use advanced countermeasures, the Secret Service executes security operations that deter, minimize and decisively respond to identified threats and vulnerabilities. Outside of the white house the the president is allowed to go on a walk around the outside. There i millions of dollars used to check the surrounding and suspicious