Why Did Hernan Cortes Attack The Aztecs

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Pages: 2

In 1519, Hernan cortes the leader of a small group of conquistadors arrived at a town on the gulf of mexico. Cortes made alliances with many kingdoms who were resentful of the Aztecs. Cortes planned to attack the aztecs. After weeks of travel he arrived in late 1519. He was welcomed with many lavish Aztec gifts. Cortes returned to the city after defeating the Aztecs and getting their soldiers to join him. The Aztecs demanded the spanish leave. Moctezuma tried to reason with them but he got stoned to death instead. The new emperors cuitlahuac drove cortes and his troops out of mexico. With help of the kingdom of Tla Rcra cortes built ships to attack tenochtitlan by water. With several advantages for cortes the new emperor Cuauhtemoc