Why Do Low Income Environment Cause Mental Disorders?

Words: 1242
Pages: 5

Mental disorders can be created by many different things in the world, but income is the main factor of this disease. People with low income are developing a depressive disorder which can affect their character by being in a bad or sad mood all day. According to (Klijs, B., Kibele, E., Ellwardt, L., Zuidersma, M., Stolk, R., Wittek, R…Smidt, N.2016) story he believed that factors such as people environment like their neighborhood can influence the risk of depressive disorder. The hypothesis that the story made was to determine if living in a low income neighborhood can cause having major depressive disorder. Another scenario showed that there was no connection between rather neighborhood socioeconomic conditions is affecting induvial with the mental disorder. Both of these scenarios are good assumptions because they can either be proven true or false.
The research for the study of neighborhood income and mental disorder is diverse because the study was spilt into three conceptual model to test out. Each model had different scenarios on how to test to see if low income environment is causing a mental disorder. Throughout all these studies others
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The way this research can affect the public policy in a bad is that researchers try to get to much information about an induvial life and sometimes people don’t like to share those things with others but this research is also good for the public because it can help everyone understand why someone is not happy with their lives because of income and their