Why Is Mitochondria Important To The Functions Of A Cell

Words: 261
Pages: 2

Mitochondria are very important for the functions of a cell. Their importance lies on the fact that they generate the metabolic energy in cells. Mitochondria are coated with a system, specifically a double-membrane one, which consists of outer and inner mitochondrial membranes. The latter, forms many folds which are named cristae, which then have an extension into the matrix, which is the interior of the organelle. In addition, the mitochondrial genetic system, is enclosed it the matrix, which also accommodates enzymes that are accountable for reactions of high importance of oxidative metabolism. (NCBI) The human mtDNA consists of 37 genes which are 2 encode ribosomal RNAs, 22 encode transfer RNAs and 13 encode polypeptides. These 13 encode