Why Poaching Is Bad

Words: 775
Pages: 4

Do you know what poaching is? Well, you should since it's a giant problem all over the world. Poaching is killing us and the things we love.It is destroying the things we need to survive on this planet.Poaching is killing animals and using them from the parts of the bodies what they can sell on the black market or a pretty penny.
These poachers are just cold hearted killers. They are no better than the murders we have locked up in the prisons. They kill animals that some communities and countries rely on to survive. They don't kill for any other reason than just money they want the money that the parts of the animal can bring into their pockets. They do this without thinking what they are doing to the wild and the ecosystems they are destroying. The black market takes these animals and sells them for money for slaughters them and sells the part of the bodies that are useful to them and then they just leave the rest of the body to rot because they are done with it.
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You know those giant elephants that the babies love to see at the zoo and you take your kids there to see the cool tricks they can do. You need to stop poaching because it is effecting these animals more than any other animal out there. Nearly 100 elephants are killed by poachers per day. Thats a lot of elephants to be killed in one day just by poachers. Nearly 67% of Africa's elephants have been slaughtered in the past 4 years. This is ridiculous. The government needs to work to stop these poachers from doing the horrible things to these animals. In Africa 34 baby elephants were kidnaped and sold to the black market so they can slaughter them for their ivory. With the elephants getting killed daily they won't be here much longer and that needs to change. It will become a pandemic all over the world and we won't be able to stop it then it will be too far out of our