Why Was Jamestown Significant In American History

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Pages: 5

Founding of Jamestown
About a hundred English settlers landed near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on May 24, 1607, after the Virginia Company received a charter from King James I of England for the colonization and settlement in the New World. The settlers named the place Jamestown. It was noted that when the colonists arrived, they suffered from Indian attacks, disease, malnutrition, and starvation. The colony of Jamestown was able to survive and pass through the rough times with the leadership of Captain John Smith, who tied friendly relations with the Native Americans after he was saved by Pocahontas from his execution by the Powhatan Tribe.

The founding of Jamestown is not only significant in American history
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It was created in response to the Coercive Acts, also known as Intolerable Acts, from the British Parliament that was enforced in the American Colonies. Fifty-five representatives from the twelve out of thirteen colonies, with Georgia absent, were present at the Continental Congress to redress the colonial grievances and to create the Declaration of Rights and Grievances to send to the British Parliament. In addition, they created The Association in which they made a complete boycott of British goods and importations.

The First Continental Congress was one of the most significant events in American history because it was one of the first steps towards the American Revolution. The First Continental Congress united the divided colonies in America with the commonality towards wanting independence and secession from Britain, as well as creating their own constitution and government. This encouraged the colonists to fight for their own rights and made the independence movement from Britain much stronger. If the First Continental Congress was never held, America may not be an independent country today.

Lexington and Concord