Wonder Cat Research Paper

Words: 843
Pages: 4

Wonder Cat Wonder Cat grew up very different from most people. He was born part human, part cat. Wonder cats special powers are at night when he turns into a cat and grows big cat claws. His cat claws have a special chemical in which make the bad guy fall right to sleep for a while. Wonder Cat never found out about his powers until he grew to be an adult. Once he found out about his powers he changed his life at night completely. Wonder Cat would go to work as a Vet during the day and then go to prowling at night to find animal abusers. Wonder Cat is very important to this world because he will find out about the animal abusers and will find them and then take them to the Police. Before Wonder Cat can prove to the world that he is a great hero by finding the most wanted animal abuser! Before he can battle him Wonder Cat finds out there is an animal abuser that lives close to him so he goes there directly after work instead of late at night. When he hears the little stray cat crying for help he immediately goes to the rescue! Wonder Cat scratches the animal abuser to make him fall asleep until he gets her to the Police Station. Wonder Cat then takes the animal abuser named Claire to the Police Station and then takes the stray cat to his work to fix her broken paw and gets her ready for a nice home. That night after Wonder Cat fixes …show more content…
He started tracing back all of the places he heard the most wanted animal abuser had abused animals. He found one spot the abuser had abused the most, the alley behind a school! That night Wonder Cat went on a hunt to find the most wanted abuser. He searched all night and thought he would decide to give up so he could get a good night's sleep. Then all of a sudden he heard a shot fired from a gun! He hurried over to see what the noise came from! When he got over there he saw what he had been looking for all night, the most wanted animal abuser in the