Year Round Education Advantages

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Pages: 6

Year round schooling, the name seems a lot worse than it is. A typical belief of year round schooling is that students attend more days at school because they are in school a year long, but instead they break the long three month break into smaller pieces. Year round schooling provides a more beneficial education to students of all ages. With the all year schedule students do not spend a long period away from the classroom; therefore, students are able to maintain their knowledge. Traditional schooling is still widely implemented among the United States even though statistics are proven against it. Year round education needs to be incorporated in every school system; it has been around for over a century with many known advantages over traditional …show more content…
An overcrowded, traditional school could become a perfectly populated school through the multiple-track year round education system. This system features students attending school while another set of students is on vacation. For example, a school on a four-track system could hold 400 kids instead of 300 because they now are able to have 300 kids in school while there is 100 on vacation. The multi-track year round system has the potential to increase available space for enrollment by 20%-50% depending on how many tracks it wants to include, this would be great for schools that are becoming overpopulated and do not have the money to build (Kirschenbaum 19). This could potentially become a problem because parents could have students on different tracks, but this is a minor problem amongst the many benefits a multi-track schedule offers. The multiple-track year round education system is the perfect way to fix a school’s population problem without …show more content…
This schooling system features almost zero disadvantages to its counterpart, yet it is only integrated within 10% of public school systems (“An In-Depth”). Year round schooling allows students to attain better retention, which means they are able to execute their grade to grade transition more smoothly. Better knowledge retention in students means higher test scores; this has been tested many times over the year and has been proven true many more times than it has not. Year round schooling is the next step needed to continue improving education, its century long résumé of data and proven statistics speak for themselves―year round schooling is the key to academic