Year Round Education

Words: 1443
Pages: 6

Presenting Opposing Viewpoints Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” (Franklin). Year round education (YRE) is a developing idea. It has been around for more than a century, but is now being brought to the tables. YRE is an education system that goes the whole year. The school always has someone in the school learning. It has the same amount of days, 180 days, as the traditional system (“Research Spotlight on Year-Round Education”). YRE has many advantages and disadvantages that will be explained throughout this essay. Year round education has many benefits for the students and the community. One of the biggest benefits is retention rates of the student. Retention rate means how well the student …show more content…
In YRE, schools can have a double track system. This is where Group A is in school when Group B is on vacation. This increases the school’s holding capacity. According to the California Department of Education (Yeager), in a 45-15 plan, schools are able to increase the school’s capacity by thirty-three percent. This helps the school money wise. Sometimes, schools get in a lock trying to pay for new buildings. This lessens the schools spending money on new buildings. It helps the school’s budget, while accommodating to new needs. Even if the school is not having a growing issue, it still can help the school. Having a double track system lowers class sizes. Having a smaller class size improves the student’s education. The teachers can be more interactive with the students. They are able to center their attention to kids that need more help in subjects. It also makes a student’s view on the school a little nicer. With smaller classes, students create stronger and more friendships. Kids can enjoy school more, while still …show more content…
Both sides want the best education for the future leaders of our great country. Whether YRE provides a better education is the question. Both groups can work on compromising with each other and find more common ground. There are holes in both plans. We just need to make the best education system to grow our country as a whole.
YRE has many advantages and disadvantages. Both sides know that they want the best for the students. YRE will never be perfect. Whether it is worth it in the ending is the question. YRE has been around for more than a century. It has come and gone through our nation’s history and begins to make a comeback. Our country now has to decide if this is the solution. It has many benefits for our country to grow on and disadvantages that we need to find a solution to. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best