Year Round School Research Paper

Words: 405
Pages: 2

Traditional schedules of schooling are best for everyone. Year-round education is no better for students than a long summer vacation. Year-round schooling is not best because kids love to relax during summer, teachers will have less time to teach a lesson, and students may have jobs over the summer.

Children are fond of summer but can’t if they have a year-round schedule. Students should be able to enjoy their summer fully” (, paragraph 9.) Kids like to play with friends and hang out. Parents often take their kids on trips and visit family on summer break. Scholars appreciate a break during summer, all year round schooling makes that hard.

Teachers have to teach a lesson in less time. “In schools with long breaks, lessons are not broken up by frequent breaks.” (, paragraph 12.) If students have lots of short breaks, that
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“...Don’t allow students to go away to camp or take on summer jobs to earn money for the future.” (, paragraph 10.) Kids can’t have jobs during year-round schooling. Camps give kids confidence and they get the chance to make friends and do fun activities. Summer is an amazing way for kids to work.

Some may say year-round schooling saves money. “Tracking can save districts the expense of constructing new schools and allow districts to make better use of the resources they already have.” (soeonline.America.Edu, paragraph 15.) All year education is also expensive if it’s open all year. Schools need to notice the problem of districts that need air conditioning and might need to pay for more energy usage during summer when it’s open.

Schools should not have year-round schooling for kids. Regular scheduled timed schools are better because summer is a special break, tutors will need to plan around breaks in year round schooling, and kids spend the summer making money for the future by working. Having a campus open the whole year can be a tough