A Hero's Journey

Words: 491
Pages: 2

It all started on a quiet sunny day in the summer of 1792. I was strolling down the village path to get to my family’s wigwam when all of a sudden my younger brother Niam popped up beside me.
“Hello Keval,” he spurted before I could say anything.
“What are you doing creeping around like a freak?” I questioned briskly.
“Just wanted to see what you’re up to,” He continues, staring at me with the same brown colored eyes that most of the tribe had.
“Well, I was just going back home to help mom,” I finally responded.
“I’ll help too!” Niam concluded as he began to walk alongside me.
“Whatever,” I muttered as I arrived at our wigwam.
Suddenly, as I began to enter, I heard one of my neighbors yell, “The white people are moving onto our land!” I spun around immediately heading towards
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“The whites must’ve signed another paper with scratchy lines,” My mom replied petrified. “That takes our own land away from us? That’s outrageous!” My dad yelled ferociously. “Don’t let them hear you!” My Mom replies strictly.
Without any warning, one of the boomsticks erupted sending a Shawnee man to the ground. This sent the village into a frenzy to get back into their wigwams, including my family and I. Soon after, my father, being the warrior that he was, began to secretly meet with an army created by tribes such as the Shawnee, Delaware, and Miami. A small British force also joined the small army. Throughout the next two years, extremely violent and racist events continued to take place in our village almost daily. While I was walking back to my family’s wigwam after my daily trip to my friend’s, I saw my dad walking in with a look of fear and excitement on his face. As soon as I walked in and seated myself on the floor, my dad exclaimed, “The army is finally complete, we are ready for anything that comes our way.” “When are you and the army going to fight back for our land?” Niam questioned