Advancement In Early Military Weapons

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Pages: 3

Advancement in technologies, systems and weapons is a typical outcome of armed conflict between nations. This is true since the early beginnings of warfare with the creation of shield and armor and the weapons crafted to defeat them. Some of these advancements do not meet the test of time, like the broad sword, and others still find its place on the battlefield, such as body armor. Though most of the early military creations were centered on causing loss of enemy life, one technology and its usage is still employed today and can be engaged via civilian and military application. Aerial reconnaissance and surveillance has changed military commander decision making since the late 1700’s and continues to serve as a key component to our modern day military. Aerial reconnaissance influences the outcome of battles by providing over watch of ground forces, validation of military targets and allows for a more hasty decision making process. This time tested and proven technology will continue to be expounded on while remaining a critical military intelligence and civilian asset. …show more content…
Before this historic event Tournachon “patented the idea of using aerial photographs in mapmaking and surveying in1855” (PAPA, 2011). Though his first photographs did not stand the test of time his experiment inspired the advancement of photography equipment and influenced the application of aerial reconnaissance within militaries. Soon other photographers utilized his techniques to take aerial photographs in Boston, New York, London, Paris and San Francisco. Three years later the United States Union Army would contemplate and adopt balloon reconnaissance to assist in the early part of the American Civil War and World War