All Summer In A Day Metaphors

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Pages: 3

All Summer In A Day, By Ray Bradbury, uses many similes and metaphors for how much they miss their home. Ray uses a bunch with the main character because she saw the sun when she was 4 and some of them were born on the planet Venus and they have seen it when they were like 1 and they are jealous and don't remember it. And so they lock her in a closet because they are really jealous. And they thank when they lock someone up from seeing something that they never have given the kids the right to do this to Margot. They use when Margot is sad they compare her feelings to the rain which never stops getting colder darker and harder to stop.
There are many examples of metaphors and similes like when she wrote her poem and it was about the sun and flowers that only bloom for just one hour. And when they're happy it's just like the sun is showing, but when they're mad/sad like Margot it is like it's raining the hardest it ever has. Margot compares herself to the sun she is bright but she is usually dauntless. She compares herself
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The metaphors and similes were the main part in the happiest parts in the story. All Summer In A Day, by Ray Bradbury, depends on similes and metaphors to help embody what/how the kids act/feel when the sun showed itself/face. And the sun only appears every 7 years and Margot has to wait another 7 long years for the sun to show its face again….. Ray Bradbury uses tone to show stress/distress in this story. Even though they are important they are not as important as the similes and the metaphors cause those rap of the text for the readers and make them wonder how did they figure out what similes and metaphors the used. Margot said to the kids that she remembered the sun, but they seemed too dimwitted to listen to what she was trying to say and that she did not remember a thing. All Summer In A Day, by Ray Bradbury uses similes and metaphors to symbolize their