Essay about Ancient Greece

Submitted By Aurora-Salazar
Words: 595
Pages: 3

Name: Aurora Salazar Date: 11/11/2014 Period: 6rd

Comparative Essay:

1 pt
2 points
Evidence (5 pieces): 2 pts.

1 pt.
1 pt.

1-2 pts.
Evidence for A
Evidence for B

Analyze similarities and differences in methods of political control in Sparta and Athens.

Begin your essay here: Sparta and Athens were two of the strongest city-states in Ancient Greece, and yet, they were both practically rivals. Neither Sparta nor Athens was stronger than the other, but they both had strengths that are well known. Sparta’s major strength is their military; they were focused on it and it was an important aspect in their society. Athens’ main strength was their education, which they were very strong in and focused the most on. Those are the two main differences between Sparta and Athens, but there are also some similarities, such as their Olympic Games, government and society. In Sparta, the government was solely based on military.(EV-S/AN) Most of their resources were devoted to the military, so that way the military could be efficient and tactful. At the age of seven, all males in Sparta were forced to go in and train so that way they could fight and be a part of the military.(EV-S) Things like hunting were used as a training tactic so that way it would help with their fighting skills and aggressive instincts. Since there was no social status, Sparta would impose their order through military, having their power based on discipline and military talent.(EV-S) Athens did not have a government based on military. They focused more on education, and they even established their own cultural tradition over their art.(EV-A/AN) Although they weren’t as strong in the military as Sparta, they did partake in the Persian Wars with them (498-448 BC), because they did not follow the Poleis when they moved to Persian territory.(DC) The Athens’ government was Democratic.(AN) Pericles was the most influential Athenian leader, he ruled from 461-429 BCE. He helped with payment, he turned their government into one the best Democratic governments and he also created one of the most sophisticated city-states for them.(EV-A) Sparta, unlike Athens, had an equal society, meaning they did not believe in putting others ahead based on things like