Ancient India Research Paper

Words: 500
Pages: 2

How was this world created? What is our purpose here on earth? Every culture or group or individual has their own explanations to these questions whether it’s from a religion or it is their own reasons. Religion is a system of beliefs related to the existence of humanity.

In India, the major religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is polytheistic which means there are multiple gods. There are three gods in Hinduism: Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Brahma’s role is the creator of the world and all the creatures living in it but, he is not worshiped as much as Shiva and Vishnu because people believe that his role as creator is over. Shiva’s role is the destroyer in order for recreation and Vishnu’s role is to preserve what’s been created. When Brahmin came into leadership, the gods were abstractly elaborate and altered. Existence to Hindus is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, controlled by Karma. Another religion in India is Buddhism. Buddhism is nontheistic which means there is no god. It is based
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The first is Confucianism. Like Buddhism, Confucianism is a nontheistic. The ideas came from Kong Fuzi or Confucius. Confucius's teachings were simply ideas that had existed before. Confucius believed his task was to revive these ideas. His teachings focused only on the present life mainly, in social and political teachings. He did not talk about spiritual beings or post-death matters. People had to respect their social superior including males as the leaders of the family. He viewed that education is important for proper conduct within these two areas. The other well-known religion is Daoism, founded by Laozi. It is the spiritual alternation to Confucianism. Dao means "the way of nature" Daoist taught harmony with nature and that life should be lived with balance and virtue. This religion faced much competition with the growth of Buddhism in china because unlike Buddhism, Daoist’s believe that life is generally