assignment 1- TA course Essay

Submitted By Nabeelah18
Words: 912
Pages: 4

1. Summaries the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years.
Physical development
A Childs first physical state is to be able to lie on their back. They will then start to lift their head and kick vigorously. At this age they will also recognize bright lights, shiny objects and loud noises. At the age of one they will be able to either crawl or even walk. They will begin to climb stairs and kneel down without support. Although at this age they will not be able to keep their balance but thy will try to move around as much as they can. At the age of two their mobility is much better. They will also be able to throw and kick a ball. By they age of four their physical development is much more. They will have a better balance whilst walking and be able to walk in straight line also they will start jumping from low heights. They will start to negotiate steps one foot at a time and also by this age they usually learn how to ride a tricycle. Between the age of 5-8 they will begin to use different types of equipment and be able to play more ball games with great confidence. They will be more willing to try out new things and their confidence will also be improved. They will be able to jump from heights, run distances and ride a bicycle without stabilizers.
Intellectual development
An infant will be able to concentrate on objects, listen to voices and they will try to make eye contact. They will react to objects which look interesting to them. They will slowly be able to take part in simple peek-a-boo games and start remembering things. They will start imitating actions, sounds and moods. They will express the same mood as the opposite person without knowing why. By the age of two they will be much more intellectual and often talk to themselves. They will enjoy music and making different sounds themselves with instrument. By the age of four the Childs memory will be developing quickly. They will be able to draw recognizable pictures and cut paper with scissors. When they reach the age of five they will be more amused by what is happening around them and ask a lot of questions. Also they will develop in their reading and mathematical skills.
Language development
From birth to the age of one the Childs language develops by only being able to express their language through cooing, crying and gurgling. Later on they will start to imitate sounds which they hear and respond to simple instructions. They will also use simple words and say some sounds. When the child reaches the age of two they will begin to use different vocabulary and know up to 50 different words although they may understand more than that. By the age of five there is a rapid increase in the use of vocabulary by children. They tend to question a lot and ask for explanation. However they have a better confidence and a larger understanding although they might not use all the words they know. At the age of eight the child can use more complex vocabulary. They can speak using tenses and give explanation with a more accurate description. By this age they will also know how to give opposite and similarities.
Emotional development
A child at the age of six weeks will be able to smile and recognize the face and voice of the main carer. By the