Beowulf Comparison

Words: 629
Pages: 3

Compare & Contrast Essay

In my paper that I got I did not list very many similarities because I did not notice that many, so I will go on and list them. One similarity that i did notice is that both in the book and in the movie Grendels arm does ripped off although how it got ripped off is different it still gets ripped off. Another similarity is that Grendel came in the night as he did in the story and the movie. He also attacked them in the Mead Hall, and after Grendels arm does get ripped off and is hung by the raffters as in both. Beowulf also screams “ I am Beowulf “ as he does in the movie and the text . My last similarity is that Grendel does come when he does hear the villagers having fun, there is probably more similarities those are just the ones I
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Also Beowulf was naked while fighting Grendel and in the text that was not in there. Beowulf also used the door to rip off Grendels arm, but in the text it says he ripped it off with his bare hands. Also one major difference was that King Hrothgar is Grendels father and King Hrothar had intercourse with the demon which would be Grendels momma. Another major difference was Grendel mother turned into like this woman covered in gold. After King Hrothgar told the people when he died Beowulf was to be king he killed himself which did not happen in the book and he also said that Beowulf could have all his stuff even his wife and then he killed himself. More differences include, when Grendel came to the mead hall there were blue flames every where which was not in the text that we read. In the movie the villagers stopped going to the mead hall cause the King locked it up, but in the story the people kept going to the mead hall. Also the watchmen in the book was happy to see Beowulf but in the movie he acted like he didnt believe he could do it like he didnt have faith in him , he acted like he was nothing. the story the slave found the cup in the cave but in the book King Hrothgar gave