Essay about Bible Study

Submitted By wtsubhotmail
Words: 5430
Pages: 22

We see leadership in servantship
Matthew 20:25-28 25But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. 26 It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,[c] 27 and whoever would be first among you must be your slave,[d]28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
耶 穌 叫 了 他 們 來 、 說 、 你 們 知 道 外 邦 人 有 君 王 為 主 治 理 他 們 、 有 大 臣 操 權 管 束 他 們 。只 是 在 你 們 中 間 不 可 這 樣 . 你 們 中 間 誰 願 為 大 、 就 必 作 你 們 的 用 人 .誰 願 為 首 、 就 必 作 你 們 的 僕 人 .正 如 人 子 來 、 不 是 要 受 人 的 服 事 、 乃 是 要 服 事 人 . 並 且 要 捨 命 、 作 多 人 的 贖 價 。
1 Peter 5 2-3
2shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight,[a] not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you;[b] not for shameful gain, but eagerly; 3 not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock
務 要 牧 養 在 你 們 中 間 神 的 群 羊 、 按 著 神 旨 意 照 管 他 們 . 不 是 出 於 勉 強 、 乃 是 出 於 甘 心 . 也 不 是 因 為 貪 財 、 乃 是 出 於 樂 意 。也 不 是 轄 制 所 託 付 你 們 的 、 乃 是 作 群 羊 的 榜 樣 。 * Don't be victim of our past, but master of our future * You need to live your vision among people. Agreement and unity in actions * Materially and adversely affect.

The new challenges are daunting. We has to reduce our labor costs dramatically, trim our list of projects that are less profitable, all without destroying workforce morale, alienating suppliers or losing market share to competitors.

Don't focus on how much you sacrifice for Christ, but what Christ sacrifice for you.

Obedience is not because we are fear of punishment but is the joy set before us. HEb 12:2b. Heb 11:17 Our life should have attitude, focus on Bible; as attitude flyer focus on the attitude gauge. There's a sense problems can be solved. There's really nothing in our way but ourselves. So let's just get to work.

Peace: Plan,Equip,Assist,Consult,Educate

Adapt to the potential, being a creative leader does not have the leader to have the creative idea himself but creating environment to gather idea

Aptitude, passion, attitude, and opportunity to find your element. (What to do, How to do, then most important is Want to do it as passion)

Luck is not what happened to make it but what make it to happen

Determination and flexibility for innovation
Innovation is a follow up action on Creativity, and innovation turn invention into practicle.

Many believe organization as mechanism, but it should be organism with living people (successful plant not only live in the env but neutur the env) Cannot give a map, but provide you a compass and tools

If you love what you do, you never have to work again

Give people a vision more compelling than what they are afraid of (Finionar carly CEO HP)

It is a matter of not just live and death, but eternal life and eternal death

Living less so you can give more

- one reflection on what you have
- another reflection on what you dont have

We have been mesmerized by the lures of modern culture
P23 (the frog in the kettle)

Family + Church united

Responsibility, respect each other, communication, Play, Traditions, Seek help

Daily, ask God's love to my spouse thru me

We called for faithful, not be hero

Trust in the love of God, that make hope never die

Live intentionally not accidentally.

Charons vs Kairos


I don't ask God to bless what I do, but do what he blessed.
我們沒有辦法改變困境~但是我們可以改變心境。因為『我靠著那加給我力量的基督、凡事都能作』 (check with Laura Wilkinson, Olympia diver god 2000,