Big Brother 1984 Analysis

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Pages: 4

Perception of reality can differ from person to person unless you are a member of Big Brother's control. George Orwell’s novel 1984 discusses a mass society all brainwashed and controlled by Big Brother. His influence is wide and ranges, society is brainwashed and what does psychology say about it? Big Brother has already proved his power but is he really controlling reality too?
Big Brother has influence everywhere. He is paraded through telescreen propaganda, made the hero of the two minutes’ hate, and always watching through posters. From the moment of birth, Big Brother is watching you and it never changes. He is taught to be loved since an early age as being a war hero and almighty, all knowing dictator. He controls every party member
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Members are kept too busy to think for themselves, causing life to become a miserable habit. A form of mass psychological control is being used on all party members. Members are convinced with varying torture methods and basic propaganda techniques that they are crazy for believing differently and must be fixed. Gaslighting is a term coined for this type of psychological effect of someone, it means to drive someone to the point of questioning their own sanity and enable the abuser to have full control of the victim. A technique of gas lighting is showed in 1984 with Winston being asked about a photo he “made up”. Winston thinks about the photograph and O’Brien’s response to him …show more content…
You believed that three men, three one-time party members Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford- men who were executed for treachery and sabotage after making the fullest confession- were not guilty of the crimes they were charged with. You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false. There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination” (Orwell 246)
This lead Winston to believe the thought that he was crazy after being told many occasions that he believed happened were not true by someone he truly trusted. This broke Winston to the point of acceptance. Anything the party told Winston became truth because it was their chosen truth.
Big Brother has perfected his ways of persuasion making everyone believe in his reality. But does this answer the question that he can change reality? Big Brother can change reality he can change it because so many will take what he tells them as truth. When the party says 2 + 2 = 5 then that is what is truth. Members do not have any belief in trying to fight against the party and Big Brother if you look at what they have done to so many others. They reduce members to barely human shells that just survive by doing what they are