Overall Well-Being Of Your Body, Mind, And Relationships With Other People

Submitted By shyannem1
Words: 1053
Pages: 5

Health: overall well-being of your body , mind, and your relationships with other people. life expectancy:the # of years a person can expect to live. quality of life : the degree of total satisfaction that a person gets from life. Goal :result that a person aims for and works hard to reach. physical health: aspect of health that refers to how well your body functions. When you are physically healthy, you have enough energy to carry out everyday tasks.mental health: state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with you surroundings. emotional health: aspect of health that refers to how you react to events in your life. You are emotionally healthy when the feelings you experience are appropriate responses to events.social health: aspect of health that refers to how well you get along with others.
Continuum:gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another.
Wellness: state of high-level health.
Heredity:All the traits that are passed from parent to child; the biological process of passing on, or transmitting those traits.Gender: term that refers to whether you are male of female. Gender is part of heredity.Environment:All of the physical and social conditions that surround a person and can influence that person's health.
Culture:Beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group of people and passed from generation to generation.
Media:Forms of communication that provide news and entertainment.Habit:A behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes almost automatic.risk factor:Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcomeprevention:Taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative outcomes.Values:The standards and beliefs that are most important to you. action plan:A series of specific steps you can take to achieve a goal.Advocacy:The use of communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions.health literacy:The ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve everyone's health.Consumer:Someone who buys products or services for personal use.Warranty:An offer to repair or replace a product if there's a problem with the product.Advertising:The public promotion of a product of service.Fraud: illegal act that involves telling lies to obtain money or property.Quackery:The selling of useless medical treatments or products.

coping strategy:A way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation. defense mechanism:A coping strategy that helps protect a person from difficult feelings. emotion:A reaction to a situation that involves the mind, body, and behavior. grief:A period of deep sorrow. hierarchy of needs:An arrangement of human needs in a pyramid with physical needs at the base and self-actualization at the top. identity:A sense of self. learned emotion:An emotion whose expression depends on the social environment in which a person grows up. modeling:Learning how to behave by copying the behavior of others. peer group:A group of people who are about the same age and share similar interests. personality:A set of behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and ways of thinking that are unique to an individual. primary emotion:An emotion that is expressed by people in all cultures. psychologist:A person who studies how people think, feel, and behave. self-actualization:The process by which people achieve their full potential.
.self-esteem:Your opinion of yourself; how much you respect and like yourself.

biofeedback:A technique for learning to control one or more body function by monitoring the body's responses.
Body's response to stress occurs in three stages:The alarm stage, the resistance stage, the exhaustion stage. catastrophe:An unexpected event that threatens lives and may destroy property. distress:Stress that produces negative effects. eustress:Stress that produces positive effects. fight-or-flight response:The initial reaction of