Children Should Be Convicted As Adults Essay

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Pages: 3

Juveniles should be convicted as adults providing crimes because of their actions,crimes,and chances they get before they were in court of been trialed or bad choices they have made. First one of my reasons for kids being sentenced to life as it as an adult is when Jennifer said “she begged for her life of her unborn child as he shot her” ,a teenager killed a pregnant woman and he should deserve to be charged as an adult for killing two people and also her husband.another reason for kids being sentenced to life is in the article “kids are kids until they commit crime” ,where it says Lionel Tate who was 12 when he savagely beat to death a six-year-old girl. Lionel said that he was wrestling with her. Lionel knew was hurting …show more content…
When teens/kids many crimes they usually ends up to be a ridiculous reason why but Some people think otherwise. For example in the article “Startling finds on Teenage Brains” by top by Paul Thompson where it says these frontal lobe's which inhibit our violent passions, rash action, and erratic behavior are vastly immature throughout the teenage years. so because of this teenage minds are not fully developed and they don't think right when they are mad or sad, so they often intend to do things or make the wrong choices. some people may argue that Brazil from the article startling finds on Teenage Brains” say that he planned the crime by bringing a gun to school. He wasn't capable of controlling his erratic behavior, but that does not remove his accountability. The evidence,however, supports the, argument that teens shouldn’t be charged as adults because of the wildfire of tissue loss in their brains. The consequence of a teen shouldn’t be the same as for an adult for that reason of a teens brain not being fully developed as an adult it also says in the article “startling finds on teens” “need all the help that they can get it to start the development onto the right path” and for that teens should not be trialed as adults because teens don't think when they commit a crime until they actually done